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August 12th Update and Bible Study

Dear Friends,

Tonight at 7:00PM, we will have our Wednesday Night “LIVE” Bible Study. Tonight we will begin looking at the New Testament by studying the geography of the New Testament. There are three worksheets for tonight’s study. They are attached.

Our church continues to be open on Sunday morning for worship. Our Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 9:30AM. Our attendance has been steadily growing. Last Sunday, we had 60, including two guest families. I want to thank all who have attended for following our recommendations and guidelines. You have helped make the reopening of our church successful! The recommendations and guidelines are also attached for your use and reference.

You can watch our Bible Study tonight and our Sunday Morning Worship:

1. From here on our church website..

2. From our church YouTube Chanel at

3. From our church Facebook page at

On Sunday, August 30, after our Worship Service, we will have a Called Church Business Meeting. While we do plan to Livestream the meeting, but you must be present in the facility to participate and vote.

We have several of our Sunday School classes that have been meeting virtually. If you would like to join the Open Door class in their virtual study, they meet on Tuesday at 7:00PM. You can join their study at

We also have a Virtual Prayer Meeting that occurs every Thursday at 10:00AM. You can participate in the CBC Prayer Meeting at

Finally, we have a Bible Study that meets every Friday at 7:00PM. The study is using the book When Helping Hurts. You can join this study at

Thank you to all who have given to support our church and her ministries. Because of God’s faithfulness, your generosity, and the wisdom and dedication of our stewardship team, our church has continued to be blessed financially. If you are able, and if the Lord leads, you can give:

1. By visiting our website (by computer or smartphone) at and clicking on the “Give” tab.

2. By mailing a check or money order to Cornerstone Baptist Church, 8947 Albemarle Road, Charlotte, NC 28227.

3. By using your cell phone by texting “Eph220” to the number 73256. Once you send the text, you will be given a prompt on how to complete your transaction.

Finally, our Women’s Ministry is collecting small bottles, 8 to 11 ounces, of body lotion for our local Women’s Prison Ministry. You can put your donation in the marked box in the Gathering Area on Sunday morning, or drop it off at the church Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday during the workday.

It is a privilege and joy to serve as your pastor! I hope you can tune in tonight at 7:00PM and on Sunday at 9:30AM.

Isaiah 26:3.

In His Love,

Pastor Ted

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